September 18th Event
Hey folks, join us for our last event of the season! It will be on September 18th in the Lyttle Dowdle Neighborhood. Click on the signup link below! See ya there!
Hey folks, join us for our last event of the season! It will be on September 18th in the Lyttle Dowdle Neighborhood. Click on the signup link below! See ya there!
Hey Folks, We are excited to announce that we will be having a legacy event this August on the 21st at 764 Copperdale Lane. We will have two properties that we are working on, and we could use some of your hard work and helping hands. To sign up, click on the link below! See you there! Sign Up:
Hey Folks! Unfortunately, we are going to have to reschedule our June mitigation event to a later date. However, we will still be running a "Buck 'n' Truck” event in place of our event! We will meet at the intersection of Divide View Drive, Katie Lane, and Hess Road. We need trucks/trailers, loaders, and sawyers. The weather isn't looking too bad/warm, so come on out and join us! Here is the updated signup for this Saturday’s Buck ‘n’ Truck event! See ya there! Signup: Thanks!