Articles,  Mitigation

February Saws & Slaws News

Get Ready Now, So You Know What To Do Later

With an unprecedented wildfire season behind us, many of us might be reflecting on how to better prepare ourselves for the next one. One simple thing we can do to eliminate stress and confusion is to compile an Evacuation Checklist before an emergency event. Mobilization is key when every minute counts. When you already have steps in place, you don’t have to think about what to do, you can just check your boxes.

Prior to any threat of an evacuation, you’ll want to gather and assemble, an emergency essentials grab and go kit. This kit should contain essentials like first aid supplies, medicines, water and food. If you have pets, you’ll want a grab and go bag for your critters too. Next, you will want to prepare copies of important papers. Your driver’s license, passports, insurance declarations, deed to your house, medical records and any other papers you cannot afford to be without. Most ideally, in a plastic waterproof container.

Also beforehand, make sure you know where your utility shutoffs are and how they function. While you may want to leave the water and electricity on for the firefighters, shutting down the gas prevents explosions or adding fuel to the fire. Lastly, research and know your communities emergency response plan. Know what routes you might take. Coordinate with family, friends or neighbors on where to meet. Especially during Covid. Some shelters will not accept pets, so anticipate this might mean staying with your friends or family.

So what goes on a good evacuation list? Depending on how much time you have you can make alternative lists. A short list would likely include 1) Grab your go bag(s) and your important papers. 2) Secure your pets 3) Shut off your gas 4) Close all windows and doors 5) Load the car and go. If you have hours, or days, you can accomplish more safeguards with a longer checklist. It might include removing window coverings, moving furniture to the center, moving flammable items like toys or furniture from the outside, inside. Turn off propane tanks and move them away from the house. Seal attic and vents with pre-cut plywood. And finally, for the firefighters, you will want to leave your lights on, and leave a ladder easily accessible near the roof.

In the face of an evacuation a little preparation, can make for a safer and calmer departure. Find the peace of mind you’ll find when you have a plan.

February Events
2021 Season Applications Now Open
Saws and Slaws is now taking applications for neighborhood events for 2021. Now is the time to talk to your neighbors about getting on the schedule for Spring and Summer. Get out, connect with those in your proximity, and vow to get your properties safer and healthier. Got questions? Call or email Us! (303) 642-0273

Saws and Slaws is a 501(c)3 organization committed to Building Stronger Communities Through A Healthier Forest. Find out more at and Join Us!