Hey Folks, We are excited to announce that we will be having a legacy event this August on the 21st at 764 Copperdale Lane. We will have two properties that we are working on, and we could use some of your hard work and helping hands. To sign up, click on the link below! See you there! Sign Up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0B45A5AA2BA6FD0-august1
Firewood Event: Buck and Split
Wildfire Forecast and Preparation in the Peak to Peak Region Webinar
Watch the first webinar of our summer series! Learn more about drought and wildfire forecasts and wildfire preparations, local fuel models, and why home ignition zone and defensible space mitigation are essential to protect your home and neighborhood in the Peak-to-Peak Region. It is hosted by the Gilpin County CSU extension, Timberline Fire Protection District, Saws and Slaws, and the Boulder Watershed Collective. https://sawsandslaws.org/event/drought-and-wildfire-prep-in-the-peak-to-peak-region/ https://www.boulderwatershedcollective.com/