
Fall MPB inspection

Forestry Tip of the Day: Fall is a great time of year to survey for the presence of new Mountain Pine Beetle (MPB) infestations. MPBs fly once per year from mid-July to Mid-September. Property owners are encouraged to survey their lands for the presence of newly infested trees beginning mid-September of each year. A step by step Bark Beetle Field Guide (www.bit.ly/BoCoMPB) is available to help identify currently infested trees.

Why is this important?? For the past three years we have seen declining beetle impacts across the State. We aren’t out of the woods yet, but the declining beetle numbers provides hope for the future. Research has shown that landowners who aggressively fight bark beetles can reduce the total number of trees lost during the epidemic. Remember – If you have one beetle infested tree this year and you do nothing that one tree will produce enough beetles to kill 3 to 7 trees the following year. If you have questions about bark beetle management please feel free to give us a call. We will send out a future Forestry Tip of the Day on the best options available to kill beetles under the bark of an infested tree soon.





Ryan Ludlow | Forestry Education & Outreach Coordinator

Boulder County | Land Use Department

P.O. Box 471, Boulder CO 80306

O: 720.564.2641 | F: 303.441.4856

rludlow@bouldercounty.org | www.bouldercounty.org/ForestHealth

*Please visit our website to sign-up to receive emails about forestry workshops, community meetings, bark beetle management tips and more!