Have you ever gone to a work site and forgotten an important gear like a scrench? It is not only frustrating but can cost you precious time. That is why I now keep specific task related tools in gear boxes. I can now confidently throw a specific gear box in the back of the truck and know I have what I need.
Here are a few tips,
1) Make sure you check your gear box before putting it away. Re-supply it with any needed items or replace broken tools.
2)I found that transparent gear boxes work best. It allows me to see items without having to open the lid. With that said, I still label the side of the box for extra security. Its not fun showing up to a wood cutting event with your kayaking gear box
4) lastly put your name on your tools or mark it with distinguishable colors. Use a Sharpie marker or an engraving pen. It is so easy for tools to get mixed up when everyone is busy working.
As my Dad would say, “Take care of your tools and your tools will take care of you.”