• Chainsaw Maintenance Workshop

    Hey Folks,   Join Dana Lawson and us to learn more about ways of fixing, maintaining, and cleaning your chainsaw! This workshop will be hosted in the CCC Community Center parking lot on July 10th from 9:30-12:00. Bring your equipment and some snacks, and have a great time! Sign up below if you are interested! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0B45A5AA2BA6FD0-chainsaw

  • Slash Truck

    June 26th Saws and Slaws Event

    Hey Folks! Unfortunately, we are going to have to reschedule our June mitigation event to a later date. However, we will still be running a “Buck ‘n’ Truck” event in place of our event! We will meet at the intersection of Divide View Drive, Katie Lane, and Hess Road. We need trucks/trailers, loaders, and sawyers. The weather isn’t looking too bad/warm, so come on out and join us! Here is the updated signup for this Saturday’s Buck ‘n’ Truck event! See ya there! Signup: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0B45A5AA2BA6FD0-june Thanks!    

  • First Event of the Season 2021

    Saws and Slaws June News

    June Saws & Slaws News by Heather Hanson / Linda Martin  June? already? The weather is great for getting down to business with the defensible space around your home. Defensible space can suggest alternate paths for a fire to follow away from your house. Any action is worthwhile for the health of your space. Many studies observe that homes with effective defensible space are more likely to survive a wildfire. 60 feet of defensible space combined with a non-flammable roof, your chances can be as great as 86%. *(Surviving Wildfire, Linda Masterson) Homes surrounded by pine and conifer ideally require 100 feet. This is known as zone 2. In zone 1…

  • Mitigation

    Wildfire Forecast and Preparation in the Peak to Peak Region Webinar

    Watch the first webinar of our summer series! Learn more about drought and wildfire forecasts and wildfire preparations, local fuel models, and why home ignition zone and defensible space mitigation are essential to protect your home and neighborhood in the Peak-to-Peak Region. It is hosted by the Gilpin County CSU extension, Timberline Fire Protection District, Saws and Slaws, and the Boulder Watershed Collective. https://sawsandslaws.org/event/drought-and-wildfire-prep-in-the-peak-to-peak-region/ https://www.boulderwatershedcollective.com/