Spruce Canyon Saws and Slaws
Articles,  Fire Mitigation Events

August Saws and Slaws News

Out In The Yard
Summer is in full swing. The noxious weed thistles are getting ready to put on their vibrant hot pink appeal and send their seed. Don’t buy it, try to eliminate these suckers before they bloom. Noxious Weeds take over ecosystems to their detriment. Curious what lurks around you? Boulder County has a guide here: https://www.bouldercounty.org/property-and-land/land-use/noxious-weeds/identification-of-noxious-weeds/
Wear gloves! These plants are bad news to your epidermis. Leave it outside and wash right after handling.

Safety Tip of the Month:
Know and Respect Your Limits! If you don’t feel comfortable felling a particular tree for *any* reason, then simply don’t do it! There is no shame in keeping yourself and property safe. Needless to say, if you want to learn the skills, take the time to ask an expert for instruction or advice. At Saws & Slaws events, we often have a professional on hand who can help give guidance if you still want to fell a tree but want to make sure you know what you are doing. Another alternative is that you can hire someone to do the work for you. If your gut is telling you to be cautious, trust your gut, evaluate the risks and act accordingly. As the old saying goes “Better safe than sorry.”

July Events: Crescent Park HLOA and RMRP Enterprises team up with Saws and Slaws in Spruce Canyon
The Crescent Park Land & Home Owners Association (CPLHOA) has begun focusing on improving egress from the Spruce Canyon Drive / Spruce Canyon Circle loop this year to improve community safety and wildfire preparedness. The first event this year kicked off on July 13, 2019 in partnership with Saws & Slaws. A special thank you goes out to CPLHOA, Rebecca Jessep (organizer), and Eric Folwell, Forester.

This was a unique event in that it covered approximately 1000 linear feet by 40 feet deep along upper Spruce Canyon Drive focusing on mitigation on two properties. The Saws & Slaws model was generally followed but the objective was focused on mitigating the Spruce Canyon Drive egress route. The trees were marked during forestry consults with RMRP Enterprises in partnership with property owners. The project involved cutting and removal of regeneration and ladder fuels. Chipping was completed on the day of the event in partnership with RMRP Enterprises.

It made an incredible difference! The canopies along the road were opened up and spacing was created between the larger remaining trees. A fire event will definitely not impact that section of road the way it would have prior to the July 13 event.

August Events:
We have a Saws & Slaws event on Saturday July 24th. We’ll publish details on the website and Facebook, so stay tuned for details. We hope to see everyone there! On the 17th we’ll be joining Gilpin County’s group for their event! Want to get notified for an event and volunteer in one fell swoop? Shoot us an email at sawsandslaws@gmail.com .

2019 Season Applications Now Open
Saws and Slaws is now taking applications for neighborhood events for 2019. Now is the time to talk to your neighbors about getting on the schedule for this Summer. Get out, connect with those in your proximity, and vow to get your properties safer and healthier. Got questions? Need Funding? Need Help? Call Us! (303) 642-0273. http://sawsandslaws.org .

Saws and Slaws is a 501(c)3 organization committed to Building Stronger Communities Through A Healthier Forest. Find out more at http://sawsandslaws.org and Join Us!

Crescent Park Operation Egress 2019!