Thank you, Nate!! As they say, all good things must come to an end. For a year, we’ve been blessed by having a part-time paid resource supporting and developing our activity in Nathaniel (Nate) Goeckner. This position was partially funded by a grant, but our time is up, so we are needing to say goodbye (for now) to Nathaniel. We are very grateful for his support, attention, and effort over the past year. Having a paid position helped us long-standing volunteers in keeping our work going. Fortunately, he is moving into a full time position at the Boulder Watershed Collective, so he won’t be far away. We might still see…
Saws & Slaws October News
Saws and Slaws has been busy in August and September with legacy events. Much tree thinning and slash removal was accomplished at both events. At the August event, we worked in the Copperdale neighborhood on two neighboring properties. The properties had been marked by Boulder’s Wildfire Partners which makes it easy for us to target the trees we need to remove for effective mitigation. At the September event, we completed our last mitigation event for the summer 2021 season, and it went great! We were able to mitigate around 1.5 acres and remove roughly 80 cubic yards of slash at a property in the Lyttle Dowdle neighborhood. Thanks to all…
August Saws and Slaws News
Out In The YardSummer is in full swing. The noxious weed thistles are getting ready to put on their vibrant hot pink appeal and send their seed. Don’t buy it, try to eliminate these suckers before they bloom. Noxious Weeds take over ecosystems to their detriment. Curious what lurks around you? Boulder County has a guide here: gloves! These plants are bad news to your epidermis. Leave it outside and wash right after handling. Safety Tip of the Month: Know and Respect Your Limits! If you don’t feel comfortable felling a particular tree for *any* reason, then simply don’t do it! There is no shame in keeping yourself and…
July Saws and Slaws News
The Flowers Are Out! So beautiful. Seems a shame to clear them out for the sake of your home’s defensible space right? But defensible space is crucial to your home’s survival during a wildfire. I know it tugs at your heart strings, but it’s worth it. Start your fire breaks in your 30 foot radius and work outward to 100 feet. Maybe bring the fresh cuts inside for a vase, press them, or make some ink or dye to enjoy them longer. Wondering about your fire risk? Boulder County is doing free assessments from the road. To schedule a home evaluation contact them at Safety Tip of the Month:…
June Saws and Slaws News
June Saws & Slaws News by Heather Hanson / Jody DicksonWildfire Preparedness Workshop UpdateOn April 27th several of our good citizens gathered at the CCCIA Hall for the Wildfire Preparedness Workshop to learn about best practices in preparing for a wildfire event. Since wildfire is not a if, but when prevision, attendance empowers us to prepare for, minimize negative impacts, and survive beyond the event. Several agencies presented strategies and information including Garret Ball, CCCFD, Aaron Betcher, Jeffco Sheriff, Nate Whittington, Gilpin Office of Emergency Management, Kyle McCatty, Wildfire Partners, Boulder County, Daniel Allen, Colorado State Forest Service, and Norma Jones and Larry Sterling, Gilpin County Animal Rescue Team. The…
April Saws & Slaws News
by Heather Hanson / Jody Dickson Here in the Wildland Urban Interface, if you survived daylight Savings time, you know it’s a good time to change batteries and replace fire extinguishers. Relocate those buckets, hoses and ladders. Spring is springing. It’s time to get together your hand tools. Maybe get a Pulaski? What’s a Pulaski? A pulaski is a hand tool used by firefighters to create a fire line. Part axe and part adze this solid manual tool is handy for breaking up compacted soil around your house. Do you have a pulaski? Post it to our facebook page ( and join us this weekend, at a discount, for the…
2019 Season Applications Now Open!
Saws and Slaws is now taking applications for neighborhood events for 2019. Now is the time to talk to your neighbors about getting on the schedule for next Spring and Summer. Get out, connect with those in your proximity, and vow to get your properties safer and healthier. Got questions? Call Us! (303) 642-0273. SawsAndSlaws_Application_2019 Curbside Chipping Event Update On September 8th, the good residents of Twin Spruce, all the way up to Dowdle, were given a chance to drag their slash to their own curb and watch it quickly processed in our enormous chipper. The many volunteers of the 501(c)3 organization Saws & Slaws came together once again for a…